Friday, August 7, 2009

Thanks for your comment anon. This image is called "Intra 4" , and represents pretty well my artistic philosophy. It's a photograph, and what I hope it achieves visually at first take, is the effect of an abstract painting. It's like a colour- field Rothko, but contemporised. The second visual take is the most important one for me, and the one that brings the piece into the 21st century, and sets it apart. Through the final art format, it is clear to the viewer that the work is a photograph. But it's not what you expect from photography. Where's the People, Place, Things? Its smooth and flat, which are characteristic of photography, but the subject matter is Abstract. There is a world of abstraction, that we don't generally see in the "seen" world. My work is an attempt to make those moments visible, and free photography from its shackles.......

1 comment:

  1. love that piece-it's so enjoying the interaction made possible for the viewer by having the freedom from representational art the contrast of the 2D surface and the 3D content
